Symbiotic Relation is a 2D platformer game where the player controls a symbiote to use the abilities of NPC characters and defeat enemies, all while trying to escape captivity.

If you're interested in trying it out, you can access the game through the link provided below:
Let me take you through the process.


The objective of this game is to survive and reach the end of each level. You play as a symbiote, which can only move right and left. To be efficient, the symbiote needs a host, and any NPC in the game can be the host. By taking control of NPCs, you can navigate and help the symbiote reach the end of each level safely. Different NPCs have unique abilities that can be useful against the enemies that are trying to catch you. Controlling your character in the game is quite simple. As a symbiote, all you have to do is approach the NPC you want to control and collide with them. Once you collide with them, you will start controlling the character. Navigation is carried out using the A and D keys, while the spacebar is used to jump. To release control of an NPC, simply press the E key. The special ability can be used by pressing the right mouse button (RMB).

Symbiotic Relation

Symbiotic Relation


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